Supporting global efforts to comprehensively address all environmental challenges, including climate change, extreme weather and natural disasters, for a sustainable planet, particularly in terms of climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience by:
Contributing practical, ambitious and concrete initiatives to transition to a climate-resilient future global economy which align with global efforts, such as the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the goals of the Paris Agreement, as well as appreciating and supporting APEC members' respective net zero / carbon neutrality commitments, recognising the urgent need to collectively address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the need to provide international support including capacity building, technological and financial support, which are key enablers in this regard;
Enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change and associated risks, including through mainstreaming adaptation measures into policies, strategies and planning, as well as disaster and emergency preparedness and management;
Strengthening cooperation to develop and exchange policies and best practices, and promote capacity building and awareness-raising programmes that address all environmental and climate challenges, and support sustainable growth;
Ensuring diversity and inclusion in our collective efforts to address climate change;
Advancing the transition to clean and low-carbon energy through various pathways reflecting the different circumstances in each economy, strengthening energy resilience, promoting energy security, and ensuring affordable and reliable energy access, including by fostering technical collaboration and exchange of best practices and experiences. We acknowledge the importance of stable energy markets and clean energy transitions. Noting the progress made to date, APEC economies are discussing goals for further strengthening the region's capacity to adopt renewable energy and other clean and low-emissions energy technologies;
Recalling our commitment to rationalise and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption while recognising the importance of providing those in need with essential energy services, and, to reach this goal, continuing efforts in an accelerated manner;
Promoting sustainable, resilient, productive, and inclusive food systems and agricultural practices, achieving food security and nutrition, reducing food loss and waste, including through encouraging environmentally-friendly policies and minimising environmentally-harmful ones, conserving agrobiodiversity, and enhancing the use of agricultural biotechnology, digitalisation and other innovative approaches;
Promoting research, development and deployment of cost-effective low and zero emissions technologies, acknowledging that there are a variety of technologies and approaches available;
Supporting finance and investments in sustainability and climate action, including disaster risk finance insurance, and, if appropriate, carbon pricing and non-pricing mechanisms and international carbon credit markets, as well as exploring options to support the alignment of financial flows towards a greener and cleaner global economy, for example taxonomies and other alignment approaches.